GARMIN Tec Talk = BP Tuna

The snapper had been firing lately so Benny and Deano headed out on the sea fox to try find some shallow water snapper on their new 8412 garmin unit, then try and catch them on soft plastics. 

They found the snapper straight away stacked up on an isolated rock in about 15 meters of water. They drove straight over the top of them and casted back down drift to try and nail one straight up. The plastic got to the bottom without a bite so Benny burnt it up and it got eaten, it started running hard and fast. Deano kicked into gear and started chasing it. 

After the first run Benny called it for a tuna judging off the way it was fighting. A couple minutes later it broke the surface and Benny swung in a little Mac tuna. It definitely wasn’t the target species so out came the hook and she was quickly and safely released. 

Benny then drove up and over another school of snapper and they did the same thing hoping for a better outcome. Benny casted back down drift again and the soft plastic surprisingly got to the bottom 🤦 so he burnt it up and it git smashed again. A couple of minutes later in came another Mac tuna around the same size, after a quick release they drove up drift again. On the way up the drift Benny decided the next one they are going to keep because Benny has been wanting to do popcorn Mac tuna for quite some while, he wants the prove that you can eat them and see if he can make them taste good. 

Sure enough in the next drift the same pattern occurs, the plastic hits the bottom and Benny hooks up on the burn-up again, 3 times in a row 💔. Well, at least they wanted to catch this one for a catch and cook. The first run was a lot bigger and faster than the first so they called it for a bigger Mac tuna. After a couple of minutes of the fish racing around on the surface, Benny said that it might be a longy. The nerves settled in as did the wind, Deano carefully drove the boat chasing the fish, it ran straight for one of the local markers where Deano carefully drove around as Benny pulled the fish away. The long tail eventually got tried, Benny got it up boat side then grabbed the leader, passed Deano the rod, bent down and managed to grab the tail, then swing him in 👊. 

They had done it!!! BIG long tail on light snapper gear. It wasn’t the fish they were after but it was certainly good enough, so they decided that was good enough for one day and they headed in, in time for dinner.